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Host a Course

We understand the challenges of providing high quality continuing education for your staff. It can be expensive and is often difficult to schedule for busy practices. The Society of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy offers convenient on-site manual therapy training at an affordable price. We will come to your facility and provide a premier learning experience for you and your staff. We can customize courses to meet your specific needs. The goal is to advance the knowledge of clinicians in your practice in the area of orthopaedic manual therapy and sharpen their skills to help them achieve excellent clinical outcomes.  

Pin & Stretch 2.jpg

OMT - 1
Manual Therapy Pearls from Head to Toe

Thoracic Stripping.jpg

OMT - 2
Advanced Soft Tissue Techniques

Post Glide Shoulder.jpg

OMT - 3
Joint Mobilization  Upper Quarter


OMT - 4
Joint Mobilization 
Lower Quarter

Median Nerve Flossing_edited.jpg

OMT - 5
Pain Neuroscience and Neuromobilization


OMT - 6
HVLA Thrust Manipulation 

Schedule a Course

To schedule a course simply submit the form below and in 3-5 business days you will be contacted by Dr. John Winslow, president of the Society of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy.


Please be prepared to discuss:


1) Possible dates, the number of participants, and the course content.


2) Information on your facility, specifically the setup available for teaching (projector, screen, audio), and the number of treatment tables.


3) Your geographic location, transportation (airports), and local overnight hotel accommodations.



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